Huawei P50 Unboxing in Malaysia

Malaysia Huawei P50 Unboxing

Little did I expect that I would be exploring other smartphones, and this time around, I have done a Huawei P50 Unboxing in Malaysia for the first time with this brand.

I can safely say that almost everyone knows the brand Huawei as it has been around for many years now, and they are also well-known for its superior technology in smartphones. So, let’s find out what’s in the box.

Huawei P50 Unboxing in Malaysia

On this very day of 31st May 2022, a beautiful box containing the Huawei P50 arrived at my doorstep and without any time wasted, it went straight to my new office for the unboxing.

So that you know, I do not do those YouTuber styles of unboxing as I am pretty straightforward, and my focus is on article writing with social media postings.

Unboxing Huawei P50
This was what was in the box after opening it.

Like any other smartphone brand out there, the box looks larger than my previous brand; hence, I assumed they included a charger unit in the box. Well, I was right and happy because I needed a new charger.

The first thing you see is the smartphone unit when unboxing the Huawei P50, nicely wrapped in the protective plastic sheet. This is followed by the charger and Type-C USB cable.

I further discovered that they included a simple silicon smartphone casing, which I believe everyone needs nowadays. If you accidentally drop it after unboxing, at least the phone will be protected.

Digging deeper into the box, I found a Sim Card Pin, which is commonly included with all new purchases of smartphones nowadays. And that was it! No papers, warranty card, nothing.

Malaysia Huawei P50
The back of the Huawei P50.
Malaysia Huawei P50 Price
The price of the Huawei P50 in Malaysia.

What Was In The Box?

A summary of what I found inside the Huawei P50 box;

  1. One unit Huawei P50 Smartphone in Cocoa Gold
  2. One Huawei 66w Super Charge Charger
  3. One USB Type-C charging cable
  4. One Silicon Smartphone Casing
  5. One Sim Card Pin for unlocking
Charger and Cable Huawei P50
The 66w Super Charge Charger and USB Cable.

About Me

As you may know, I have been reviewing smartphones for a long time now, since the early days of smartphones, and I am not one of those tech sites that do all kinds of detailed technical reviews.

My reviews cater to general consumers, especially those not so familiar with smartphones or those who may want to know a little more about some of the simple functions.

My reviews consist of mainly smartphone photography, some smartphone videography and simple everyday usage. I am not a gamer, nor an avid techie or smartphone geek.

Malaysia Huawei P50
The under section of the P50.


Do follow my blog and social media channels to find out what I am up to, as I will be exploring some smartphone photography with the Huawei P50 in the coming weeks.

For more information on the price of the Huawei P50 in Malaysia or to purchase a unit, you can visit the official Huawei Malaysia website. They have everything you need there.

I will be heading to Sarawak for the Rainforest World Music Festival 2022 as I have always been attending this fantastic event since 2009 till Covid 19 came and stopped all events for two years.

And I hope you enjoyed my Huawei P50 Unboxing in Malaysia as this is also the first time I am exploring the brand, namely for my smartphone photography and general usage.

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